sorosoro opencall
OPEN CALL - deadline :: 31. Jul. 2023
Please tell us your indefinite ideas here.
そろそろ soro soro is a Japanese word which is commonly used to express that it's about time to do something.
And here, Soro - sorO is a place where everyone is invited to try one’s indefinite ideas in front of an audience unofficially. Nothing has to be perfect nor completed. We would like to provide opportunities to experiment and creative exchange.
Date / Venue
Wed. 01. November. 2023 - Fri. 01. March. 2024
The third edition will take place online as a pavilion during The Wrong Biennale.
- Your idea will be shared via our social media platform. Both recorded videos and live broadcasts are possible.
- There are no specific conditions required and we are open to diverse ideas.
* So far, we imagine something like making original sound or experimental performances, but not limited. For example, you could also collaborate with your dog or show off your unique costume.
* Please keep in mind the artwork guidelines -The Wrong values the essence of joy and the exploration of creativity and audiovisual culture in a positive and constructive way. Please avoid any expression of hate, conflict or violence.
- Each participant will be given a maximum of 1 hour. ( You could also propose something just for 2 minutes or images, etc )
- Participants are responsible for all the necessary materials and equipment for their own performance.
- Dates, time schedule will be discussed after the communication.
- We will offer a place, small promotions and archives on our platform..
You are also welcome to join us just to observe the experiments / to have some conversations / to get to know interesting people, etc.
Anyone can apply, regardless of experience.
Since Soro-sorO is also an experimental project, we are not able to offer any financial support. Please note that our thied edition will take place online and participants are expected to take care of all the related costs such as materials, shooting or personal assistance.
All content © S o r o - s o r O 2023