Mariko HORI

IF THE WIND BLOWS ( in the history )

installation / found objects, video, collage / 2021

IF THE WIND BLOWS is an investigation into the relationship between natural phenomena and the current society, departing from the well-known classic Japanese proverb
if the wind blows, the barrel makers will prosper
which means that any event can bring about an effect in an unexpected way. The proverb describes a sort of chain reaction between events and roles as regarded in old Japanese society, where the cause-and-effect lead to a final utilitarian outcome, the profit gain to the barrel makers’ advantage.

In Hori’s vision however, this proverb is a tool for highlighting the connection between nature’s power and human sociality, as well as the way humanity interprets nature’s influence on humans’ life, shaping its collective life accordingly, or despite of it. The experience of the recent epidemic with its global character and upheaval, suggests that a new openness and respect for nature’s balance are needed, as well as a realization of the profound connection that exists between human beings and all living things.

In a dialogue with Florentine art, with a history that Hori perceives as present and contemporary as ever, images of the wind, from Botticelli’ breezes to a present, dragged away by a viral wind, reach us in the first turns of a conversation Hori invites us to. She calls this first stage of the installation “an opportunity to think about the wind in the absence of wind”.

Notes and hues, like gold and blue, particularly significant for Hori, trees, symbols of water and echoes of classical iconic presences, design a circular and articulate invitation to confront where we come from and where we wish to go.

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From the Solo Exhibition 'IF THE WIND BLOWS...'
30. June - 4. Sep. 2021

The work was developed during the artist residency period at MAD - MURATE ART DISTRICT
inspired by present lives, culture and living language of Florence in what is undoubtedly a new era.

Curated and texts by Renata Summo - O'connell
The exhibition is promoted by Comune di Firenze
Organization and Coordination : Associazione Mus.e
Artistic Director : Valentina Gensini

In collaboration with Artegiro Contemporary Art, AILAE Associazione Culturale
With the grant of Fondazione CRF, Progetto Citizens
With the support of Villa Romana, Numeroventi Design Residency
Education project in collaboration with Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenze

All content © Mariko Hori 2021